Displaying items by tag: company mission

Tuesday, 15 September 2015 10:12

Ziath & the Reason for our Existence!

My baby son recently broke my glasses; turns out that they don't bend backwards!  So I went to the opticians and while selecting my glasses the saleswoman (Denise) in the shop asked what I did for a living; I replied that we make specialist barcode scanners used in medical research (easier to explain than biobanking!).  She replied 'Why?' and I flippantly replied back 'to pay the mortgage and put food on the table'.  So Denise patiently smiled at me and said 'no, why do people need specialise barcode scanners.  I apologised and explained about 2D tubes and sample storage and Denise used this information to pick out a pair of glasses which are suitable for work (BTW until the glasses are ready I'm wearing sunglasses at my desk).